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Detail is Everything | The Spider Tale

Detail is Everything | The Spider Tale

Posted by Lauren, Director of Business Development on 3rd Apr 2015

Details are so important when nailing down the final products for custom apparel. Here at The Crackerjack Shack, we take pride in printing and stitching the details that are most important to you, our customer. 

I'm going to tell you a story about how detailed our screen printed t-shirts can be. This story is funny now, however at the time, it was not. At all.

We printed a t-shirt last October for Halloween. Some of you may be familiar with said t-shirt. It says "Bugs & Hisses" and "Happy Halloween" on the front as shown below. On the back, The Crackerjack Shack logo is printed on the nape of the neck with a spider hanging below it by a single thread of webbing. 

The spider, itself, is extremely life-like, as you can see in the picture below. 

About three weeks ago, I had a friend over to my home while I was wearing this t-shirt. As she was there, I was picking up my house. I had leaned over to pick up a toy that was near my front door. From ten feet behind me I heard my friend say, "Lauren, don't panic," in the creepiest tone that you only associate with something being terribly wrong. I slowly turned my head to look at her as she said, "Don't move," in the same creepy tone. As this was happening, she began to saunter toward me with a package of baby wipes in her hands. Trying my hardest to understand what was going on, I finally said, "What??" in the loudest whisper I could manage that probably came out more like a hiss. 

"YOU HAVE A SPIDER ON YOUR BACK!!!" She finally screamed as she closed the distance between us and started beating me with the package of wipes (that I want to note had a plastic top on it). 

As she was beating the spider on my back, I started jumping around and screaming, "GET IT OFF!!" Looking over my shoulder, I saw my hair flopping around, but of course my peripheral vision simply saw a dark object moving. 'Of course, it's the spider,' my conscious told me. Somehow we both ended up jumping around trying to remove the spider from my back for over 30 seconds before she realized that it had not moved even a millimeter during the smack down it had received. 

My friend paused for just a fraction of a second and in that moment I looked down and realized what shirt I had on. Needless to say, we had quite the adrenaline rush that day and I came away with a dozen welts on my back from the attempt at saving me from the "biggest spider I've ever seen in my life," to put it in my friends words. 

We don't mess around when it comes to the details that are important to our customers. 

Have a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend! 

The Crackerjack Shack Team :)